I’ve read several of Professor McWhorter’s books on the history of language - “Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue” is a terrific exposition of the English language. He is liberal for sure but intellectually he’s honest. He’s written for both the Atlantic and the City Journal. In a podcast interview, he called “White Fragility” possibly the worst book he ever read.
We need more voices like him for sure.
Critical Marx Theory should be a more than adequate refutation of CRT.
I know what he’s saying, but I’ll just substitute the active verb
“Bullsh*tting”. I don’t care for the term Gaslighting.
I’m way ahead of you, John. I ignore the left, period.
Critical theory says laws exist only to preserve the status quo power structure.
If someone thinks the law is about power only, why would anyone want that person in charge?
Anything they say about justice or fairness or truth is nothing but a front for power-seeking.
If you expect the Left to be Critical of itself or Critical Theory... forget it! They defy logic at every turn, make an art of defying reason and common sense. And in the end they accuse you of violence for offending them by having a different opinion than themselves. They scream at their opponents and that is better than a calm rational exchange because emotions are involved. Emotions are more effective in getting things done and influencing people than by cool calculation and self reflection. Passion—YES. Reason—NO. Who remembers Bertrand’s Russel rational arguments from the 1940s over a prof who screams and breaks out into hysterics because she is so offended by the lack of people’s virtue, by the RACISM and the evil of WHITE MEN!? Yes, were brought up to understand, appreciate and react to emotion, but not REASON. And yet students go to school to learn how to think... or do they?
They go to learn how to fit in with the elites, ape their dress, their mannerisms, their jargon so that they too can be part of the WOKE ELITE. It’s a club and you have to show the right symbols, the right signs, say the right things, etc., before you fly off to Spain for an ecological meeting to discuss proper diversity in the Green movement. See that Yale ring, that Harvard tie, those peachy socks with the Columbia shoe tassels that Hunter Biden wears. In other words, you have to be equipped.
The Left does not want debate because the left does not bow to REASON or GOD or anyone but themselves. They have their big purply asses and that is what they show us... that they are asses and don’t care a twig.
John McWhorter is a black, atheist, liberal linguistics professor at Columbia University. He is most definitely not a conservative. So it is hard for the media to label him as a right-wing nut.