Posted on 06/02/2021 10:04:54 AM PDT by SeekAndFind
The Fauci Emails
His exchanges with Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel reflect the high stakes.
Emanuel, an oncologist, bioethicist, and vice provost of the University of Pennsylvania, sent Fauci an email on Feb. 25, 2020, asking for an updated assessment of the virus and noting that he was having a “hard time seeing this as serious as everyone else.”
“Am I blind? Yes very transmissible but low mortality like flu in many ways – the elderly, those with comorbidities, and total impact is likely to be less than flu,” Emanuel wrote.
Later, in April, Emanuel sent Fauci an email saying he was “perplexed” by his “seeming strong endorsement” of the antiviral drug remdesivir to treat COVID-19.
“Was it just a bit forced?” Emanuel asked. “My reading was the data was weak and in normal times for normal disease it is not enough to approve. And very unlikely to really impact disease pattern–regardless of supply issues.”
Fauci countered: “I did not ‘strongly’ endorse it. I specifically said it was not a knockout drug and was only a baby step in the direction of developing more and better drugs. I said that it was important because it proved in a well-powered, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial that one can suppress the virus enough to see a clinical effect, as modest as the effect was. I do not think I forced anything.”
Fauci’s a defensive little prick, isn’t he?
Why yes, yes he is.
If we had a viable press in this country, he would have already resigned in disgrace.
Medicine, science, academics, politics, law, and the media are peppered with arrogant idiots - just like this moron Emanuel. Emanuel is a consummate a**ho** who should have zero to do with anything that affects the lives of the general citizenry. He should be maybe working for a hedge fund, or as a lobbyist. He drips smarmy, and is a perfect example of how pathetically clueless so many with an academic pedigree are.
We already knew that and I hope those who love this guy and the current administration are happy with their choices to vote for Biden and to do what Fauci has told them to do. All a big mess and so very fake.
Is this the same Ezekiel Emanuel that designed Obama Care? If so , that would explain his lack of concern for the elderly.
Worm has turned
Media is now up his ass
Expect resignation fairly soon
So there it is, right at the beginning.
They needed large numbers ("well-powered") because the effect was so small. But that set the bar, so that smaller trials, showing large effects for existing therapeutics could be dismissed as not meeting this standard.
Fauci will be the fall guy for the media and big tech and democrats subterfuge and misdeeds during Covid nonsense
Ping because it really is just the flu.
The folks who denied the HCQ combo to patients are murderers.
does anyone have an actual link to the emails?
Fauci has been a fraud for a long time
He was still correct about CoVid 19
He’s also Rham Emanuel’s (Former Chicago Mayor and all around Leftist) brother.
I predict that as the Dr. is 80 years old,when the investigation begins, he will succumb to age related illness and die. he will then be lionized as a hero for “saving the country”.
No further investigation will happen.
No, he wasn’t. I’ve dealt with this from a frontline clinical perspective, and he’s not. It’s a funky virus, which can hurt you immunologically and directly - depending on the patient and the specific clinical biology. It is not, however, ‘just the flu’ - unless of course you mean the kinds of flu strains that have led to pandemics and millions of deaths.
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