Don’t blame SCOTUS.
You are 100% correct. The bottom line is that it comes to
the individuals that elect the people who appoint/process
rulers in our court systems from the lowest to the highest.
No you both are wrong.
Yes, I would agree that this matter should have been taken
care of at the state level, but this is exactly what the
SCOTUS is for.
It is there to review if something is in compliance with
the Constitution of the United States. If a petitioner
brings something before them, and it does represent non-
compliance with the Constitution, the SCOTUS must review
and provide a ruling.
These matters weren’t in compliance.
The SCOTUS has been using the ‘no standing’ response and
has now moved on to ‘simply refusing to even review’ very
important issues brought before it.
The SCOTUS has turned into a Rogue Court.
Damn the Constitution, full speed ahead!