to challenge one of your points: you say the failures came after (vaccinated) animals were challenged with the natural virus.
So why haven’t we seen large numbers of severely ill in those vaccinated during trials coming on 9 months now, who obviously are walking around in an infective environment, with the more virulent South African/Uk and the Brazilian variants being number 2 and 3 in the US at the moment? Nor in the 5 months that vaccines have been proceeding amongst first responders and medical workers, nonambulatory elderly, minorities, grocery clerks and other ‘essentials’ who were priority vaccinated and are also exposed frequently in the community? Where’s the data to substantiate the claim of future hypersensitivity? Is anyone working on that?
We may not have seen it yet because we all still have to wear masks in public, wash hands, etc. They may not have ‘bumped’ into the virus yet.