This isn't cancel culture, this is government explicitly trying to punish a private entity for their clearly legal speech.
Screw Delta’s “free speech” rights.
Conservatives MUST NOT fight “fair”. Playing by the rules is why the left always wins.
Playing dirty is the only way to go.
This isn’t cancel culture, this is government explicitly trying to punish a private entity for their clearly legal speech.
Outstanding. Moar please.
What about Delta’s free speech rights?
Then the Board at Delta need to replace the loud mouth woke idiot if the CEO doesn’t speak for the company or in the company’s best interest.
“What about Delta’s free speech rights?”
Nobody tried to forbid Delta to express their point of view. They were free to speak. Now they’re free to take the consequences. No First Amendment violation at all.
hey troll,as usual here you are defending the left.
Delta doesn’t have a right to get tax money.
Is Georgia fining or arresting Delta executives for their politics or just stopping some tax payer funded perk?
I’d love to see your past posts on all of these Government funded big tech companies (from tax breaks to big defense contracts), who throw all conservatives off of their sites for their politics while pushing Marxism.
Show the forum the word 'corporation' in the 1st Amd. I can't find it. TIA.
Hate to agree, but I do. Dumb, but well within their right.
..........if your family is on hard times (like Delta) even though I’ve been delivering you a box of groceries every week (Delta’s 35 million) only to have you strongly criticize me in the local Letter’s to the Editor column should I keep feeding your family???
Georgia taxpayers, through their elected representatives, just said “Hell No”. And, I imagine most Freepers agree with that.
That is actually one of the more problematic issues of our time. Multinational corporations, have rights. They are on more equal par than the average American citizen.
The rise of the corporation; has destroyed American freedom and liberties. This will continue.