Posted on 04/01/2021 4:07:33 AM PDT by Marinario
US Border Patrol captures smugglers dropping toddlers over border wall
SANTA TERESA, New Mexico (KCBD) - Two female toddlers were rescued by U.S. Border Patrol Agents on Tuesday evening after being dropped over a border barrier just west of Mt. Cristo Rey, which is near El Paso, Texas.
The agents say the three-year-old and five-year-old were abandoned and mistreated by human smugglers. The toddlers are from Ecuador and are sisters.
Using camera technology, smugglers were caught dropping the children from the top of the approximately 14-foot high border barrier.
Immediately after both children landed on the ground, two smugglers immediately ran from the area and abandoned the helpless little girls on the north side of the international boundary line.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
no. bidens, clintons and obola are above the Law.
protected by the DO”J”.
protected by by murders, hiding deep-sixing rape videos,
by ignoring stolen FIB files (on pedophiles for control).
protected by those in the DO”J” and FIB who
work(ed) actively to take OUT a duly elected, beloved
President twice, and then substituting a CCP-directed
dementia-handicapped, child fondling and child raping
DO”J”-protected/enforced, crime family.
Just imagine...if CNN would be honest... and do what an objective reporting should do.
Biden Administration & Democrats opened up the cartel’s rat lines for trafficking of drugs, slaves & money.
This wont stop. They will bring hundreds and set them there and while they are going after the kids the adults are slipping over the border somewhere else.
Then they showed the wrong video. In this one, the guy lowered them down as far as he could reach. He didn’t drop them off the top of the wall. Looks like they had about a 3 or 4 foot drop. Not that it makes what he did right, but I’m sick of being lied to.
Trump’s fault. /s
Somebody should show the video to Kamala “The Laughing Cow” Harris. I’m sure she’d get a chuckle out of it.
I think "inciting" is more accurate. More people are dying because of Biden's incitement than the 1/6 trespassing incident.
...and inticing.
Society of Sequacious Acolytes of Sir Isaac Newton,
proclaiming his apostasy of all things Science...
Disregarding the tenants of MPS* and disavowing the privileged white devils who build fences.
*MPS = Mystery Physics Sh!t
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