To: patriotspride
Though I shouldn't make fun of someone's name, but Dana Perrino has her positions in her last name. Totally on the fence on everything, never utter a critical word against a political opponent so she can stay in their good graces as a "reasonable" Republican and make the guest list at Dem parties. She actually makes Karl Rove look part way reasonable in his appearances on Fox.
105 posted on
03/28/2021 8:10:19 AM PDT by
(With lockdowns & mandatory business closures, New Mexico is to Texas as E. Berlin was to W. Berlin)
To: CedarDave
Though I shouldn’t make fun of someone’s name, but Dana Perrino has her positions in her last name
Its very fitting as she shows the Rino side quite often and trys to give a dated insiders view of what is considered in responding as a press secretary or political appointee.
Trumps secretary by contrast were straight shooters who actually gave answers wanted or not by the MSM
117 posted on
03/28/2021 8:23:00 AM PDT by
(Third generation Vet. Never forget the true cost of freedom)
To: CedarDave
She was in the bush regime which we now know was cabal/deep state all the way. She knows we are on to her as well. That’s why its six inch makeup every appearance to hopefully fool at least some of the guys.....
133 posted on
03/28/2021 8:41:06 AM PDT by
((FreeRepublic home of the free because of the Brave---Where we go One))
To: CedarDave
I shouldn't make fun of someone's name That's OK.
Dana Per-RINO deserves it.
163 posted on
03/28/2021 9:11:41 AM PDT by
(Unlike Epstein, George Floyd DID kill himself) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson