These people are absolutely deranged.
Speaking of deranged, I was watching El Dorado, a John Wayne flick, over the weekend. There's a scene near the end where the Duke and Robert Mitchum were discussing their next move against the bad guys. Mitchum said (paraphrase) "we got one old Indian fighter, one guy with a shotgun and two cripples", referring to himself and Wayne. They bleeped "cripples". Played it back to be sure I heard what I didn't hear and yep, they bleeped "cripples"! (I believe it was on AMC)
People have gone insane!
They are
Aka Borg
I like berserkers better
It’s accurate.
>>These people are absolutely deranged.<<
Yep. Finding a white demon behind every bush. Freakin delusional.
There is literally nothing they will not claim to be (insert Nazi, Fascist, White Supremacist, Racist here).
No matter how ridiculous it makes them to claim it.