Done with him, he’s fooled me for the last time.
You should’ve done it THEN!
Relevant because they blamed an organized, preplanned attack on Benghazi on a YouTube video. And, they blamed the organized, preplanned attack on the Capital on a Trump speech.
This is the ‘Fighting Lindsey’....I like this guy much better than his alterego, Linda, the pantywaist, skeert Linda.
Maybe flying to TX, with PDJT, put some fight back into him.
Yup. Butt, I suppose since obxxx did nothing to stop the release of ‘the video that incited the Benghazi fiasco’(Ref lyin’ suzzie rice)........
Linda Falstaff is at it again!
Always playing both sides, the consummate politician.
We should impeach Biden for what he did to help his son in Ukraine, and Kamala for helping rioters last summer.
Why don’t you for once say something positive when he says something good? Save the panties comment for when he says something bad.
To my knowledge, he’s the first person to say something like this, and it’s got to get legs. More people have to hear it and think, wow, even Lindsey Graham is saying something like that...maybe there’s something to it. So don’t shoot it down.
We’re very fond of killing off allies in the GOP just because they’re not pure enough.
Linda has his panties in a bunch again
Trying to look relevant. You have played your last card Uni Party Lindsay
White sissy man with forked tongue.
Hey, that is a good idea. Force the issue. Some House Rep should file articles of impeachment for:
- Nancy Peloci inciting violence for this summer’s BLM attack on the Capital
- Obama and Clinton’s failure during Bengazi
- etc
The Dems want a circus? Fine, make it a 3 ring circus.
Hmm, you’re starting to convince me that this retroactive impeachment is worth considering, Mr. Graham...
Yes, Senator you SHOULD have, almost a decade ago.
Can the Republican establishment be any more clueless?
Wait, that wasn’t a challenge....
Obama was playing footsie with Reggie on the couch watching ESPN (or Queer as Folk); Hillary was passed out drunk. The action should have been taken back then. Lindsey, you had your chance and you just ran your mouth. Same goes for Trey, who just looks stranger with each appearance.
Graham is the very definition of a loose cannon.
How about putting that fat cabbage eater in an Orange jump suit Lindsey? She was head first into Benghazi.
NOW? NOW you say THIS??
STFU you stupid duplicitous SOB!