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Look! Twitter Hasn’t Suspended These Accounts Or Tweets That Openly Incite Violence
The Federalist ^
| 01/11/2021
| Paulina Enck
Posted on 01/11/2021 7:16:13 AM PST by SeekAndFind
On Friday, Twitter joined a slew of other social media companies in permanently suspending Donald Trump’s accounts. Subsequently, many other conservative users found themselves deplatformed by the tech giant. The tech oligarchs’ argument is that Trump’s social media presence incites violence, as evidenced by the riot in the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.
Twitter argued that several of Trump’s tweets violated its Glorification of Violence policy, which states, “You may not threaten violence against an individual or a group of people. We also prohibit the glorification of violence.”
Unsurprisingly, there are countless Twitter accounts that regularly call for harm or violence, in violation of this policy, yet have been allowed to persist. While the president’s posts and remarks have included some awful things, they have been in no way worse than much of what transpires on the platform.
Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of Iran, has an intact Twitter account that consistently glorifies acts of violence, yet the brutal dictator has not faced any censorship or suspension. After the heartbreaking beheading of a French teacher because he showed a political cartoon depicting Mohammad, and a mass stabbing in a church in Nice, Khamenei focused vitriol on those murdered, claiming the “rage” of Muslim extremists had demonstrated its “vitality.”
Khamenei also called for Israel to “perish” and has promised “revenge” on the United States. But Twitter is more offended by President Trump than a theocratic dictator who supports terror attacks and threatens other countries.
During this summer’s Black Lives Matter demonstrations, politicians, celebrities, and other users praised those taking to the streets in protest. Many also championed the associated riots, which cost livelihoods and at least 30 lives as cities burned.
Football player turned activist Colin Kaepernick was vocal in his support for the violent rioting that overtook many American cities. He has been both “glorifying” actual violence and encouraging it to continue. Rather than censor his account in any way, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey donated $3 million to Kaepernick’s organization.
Floating around social media was the Martin Luther King Jr. quote, “A riot is the language of the unheard,” ignoring the context and nuance of his words from a speech in which the civil rights leader refused to condemn rioting, but also did not encourage it, advocating instead for nonviolence.
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris joined many public figures in tweeting support and the link for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which collected bail for those arrested while rioting in Minneapolis this summer. Such activity actively helped elongate and encourage the violence, which took two lives and caused more than $500 million in property damage. Harris had publicly called for Trump to be removed from Twitter for encouraging rioters, despite being guilty of the same behavior herself.
There are a shocking amount of tweets that declare that all members of certain groups deserve to die, including but not limited to “republicans,” “white men,” and “cops.” The entire platform is filled with threats of murder, assault, and rape. How do these posts not directly contradict Twitter’s supposed ban on calls for or glorification of violence?
Twitter’s permanent suspension of President Trump’s account is clearly not about the rules, but an exercise of power over its political opponents. Wednesday’s riots were not the cause, but the excuse used for Big Tech to do what they’ve been wanting to do for years — keep conservatives from speaking on public platforms.
Paulina Enck is an intern at the Federalist and current student at Georgetown University in the School of Foreign Service. Follow her on Twitter at @itspaulinaenck
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: censorship; elonmusk; ivankatrump; redpill; socialmedia; twitter; violence
To: SeekAndFind
Is it just me or does Jack Dorsey go out of his way to look like Rasputin?
posted on
01/11/2021 7:19:18 AM PST
G Larry
(Authority is vested in those to whom it applies.)
To: SeekAndFind
Yes, we know.

posted on
01/11/2021 7:22:59 AM PST
To: G Larry
Looks like a taliban hostage, imo
posted on
01/11/2021 7:24:17 AM PST
(“Democracy" is where the 51% tell the other 49% to go screw themselves.)
To: SeekAndFind
Good summary. I’m so pissed this morning I can’ describe it. The doublestandard is alive and well.
posted on
01/11/2021 7:25:43 AM PST
To: All
<><> Madonna threatened to blow up the White House (Jan 23,2017)
<><> Kamala Harris raised funds for what she called a "FreedomFund" to post bail for violent BLM/ANTIFA rioters (June 1, 2020)
Ergo, sap-happy Democrats Classify peaceable MAGA Rallies of tax-paying Americans As "Domestic Terrorist Activity."
Things are getting ugly really the left veers it’s (gag) tolerant and compassionate gaze from the world’s misfits....onto working class Americans.
The Left w/ power is a satanic monster, creating its own reality. Yes, they have taken power.....for a while......but it wont last forever.
Bad News for Progressive Lefties: It's Still a Conservative Country ^ | December 1, 2020 | Stephen Moore / FR Posted by Kaslin
EXCERPT No one expected it, least of all the media and pollsters. But that promised 2020 big blue wave of Democratic victories across the country turned into a red tidal wave from coast to coast.
Most progressive ballot issues in the states -- from tax increases to racial preferences -- also came crashing down.
A big reason for this turnaround in the election was the massive turnout for President Donald Trump on Election Day. Trump's coattails pulled hundreds of Republicans over the goal line------
So, how deep were the losses for the Democrats? In the U.S. House, Nancy Pelosi thought her troops would gain 10 to 12 seats. Instead, they lost, at last count, nine.
But the real carnage was in the state houses. Hold on to your hats; here is the latest from our allies at the American Legislative Exchange Council. The GOP gained a total of 192 House and 40 Senate seats. Republicans flipped control of three chambers. As a result of these big and improbable wins, Republicans now have majority control in both House and Senate chambers in 31 of 50 states. Democrats have control in only 18 states. That's a map of the USA that looks awfully red throughout middle America, with only the rusting Northeast and the West Coast colored blue.
What is truly stunning about this story is that Democrats and liberal/progressive donors (Michael Bloomberg, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, et al.) poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the states to take over legislatures with unprecedented spending in Florida, Texas and Pennsylvania. The American Legislative Exchange Council president, Lisa Nelson, estimates that Democrats outspent Republicans "at least 3-to-1 in the states." And all they got was a lousy T-shirt.
Money just doesn't buy you love with voters.
Speaking of money, voters don't want politicians taking more of it from them. In Illinois, Colorado and California, major tax hikes lost, and tax cuts were approved by voters. Racial preferences, rent control and pro-union measures went down in flames in California -- the cradle of progressive wacko ideas.
Even Democrats admit that their party's embrace of socialism was a major turnoff to voters. Rep. Abigail Spanberger from Virginia won her race, but she isn't a happy camper. "We need to not ever use the words 'socialist' or 'socialism' ever again," she says. Democrats, she angrily continued, "lost good members because of that."
If the Democrats govern as the party of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, they can expect even deeper losses in 2022. They may even suffer their ultimate nightmare, a return to the White House by Trump in 2024.
Trumpism and putting America first are still alive and well.
posted on
01/11/2021 7:28:35 AM PST
(Our side has 8 trillion bullets; the oth er side doesn't know which bathroom to use. )
To: All
Time to roll out the RICO statute (organized activity from the Left; a “pattern” of attacking “just conservatives”)
The Left's “pattern” of disenfranchising “just conservatives” and the blatant organized activity from the Left is mindful of organized crime activity.
Time to roll out RICO statute, federal law that provides criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. Beginning in 1972, 33 states adopted state RICO laws to be able to prosecute similar conduct. (NOTE: RICO was used successfully in GA to prosecute teachers).
The meaning of racketeering is at 18 U.S.C. § 1961. As currently amended, it includes:
<><> acts of bribery, theft, embezzlement, fraud, obstruction of justice, racketeering, money laundering, offenses covered under Title 18 Criminal Code;
<><> Embezzlement of union funds;
<><>Bankruptcy fraud or securities fraud;
<><>Criminal copyright infringement;
<><>Money laundering and related offenses;
<><>Bringing in, aiding or assisting aliens in illegally entering the country (if the action was for financial gain);
Pattern of racketeering activity requires at least two acts of racketeering activity. The USSC has instructed federal courts to follow the continuity-plus-relationship test WRT an established pattern.
Illegal acts comprising a pattern are called "predicate" offenses. Predicate acts are related if they "have the same or similar purposes, results, participants, victims, or methods of commission, or otherwise interrelated and are not isolated events."
Continuity, referring to either a closed period of conduct, or to past conduct that by its nature projects into the future with a threat of repetition.
posted on
01/11/2021 7:31:44 AM PST
(Our side has 8 trillion bullets; the oth er side doesn't know which bathroom to use. )
To: SeekAndFind
The owners of Twitter are showing they have no principles.
They are just handmaidens of a Leftist putsch for thought and speech control against the Left’s biggest opponents.
posted on
01/11/2021 7:42:00 AM PST
To: Liz
Which predicate offenses that fit into that list do you believe have been committed in order to trigger the RICO act?
Hint: the Fed Court will not interpret that which is stated in statutory plain language.
posted on
01/11/2021 7:45:12 AM PST
To: jpp113
That’s what pre-trial “discovery” is for.
posted on
01/11/2021 7:48:34 AM PST
(Our side has 8 trillion bullets; the oth er side doesn't know which bathroom to use. )
To: Liz
I’ve litigated RICO before. No RICO complaint, criminal or civil, will be allowed to progress to discovery without initial contemporaneous evidence for the allegations in the complaint, which if fraud-based, must be plead with particularity.
We had the evidence, however the cabal of bad actors within govt was found not to be an “enterprise” and even so, assuming en arguendo that it did constitute an enterprise, you have to show a financial gain to the “enterprise”. In this case, the cabal was within a State Dept of Transportation where certain employees were engaged in what we termed “reverse bid-rigging” to the tune of millions and discrimination against a bridge and highway contractor. Basically, the cabal was determining who would get the contracts before there were even bids opened.
Case settled later for a tidy 7 figure sum.
posted on
01/11/2021 8:00:41 AM PST
To: G Larry
He lives in an empty refrigerator shipping crate, on 11th Ave. He just doesn’t know how to use a shaver.
posted on
01/11/2021 8:15:57 AM PST
Carriage Hill
(A society grows great when old men plant trees, in whose shade they know they will never sit.)
To: SeekAndFind
Twitter hypocrisy - bump for later...
posted on
01/11/2021 9:01:55 AM PST
To: Liz
They may even suffer their ultimate nightmare, a return to the White House by Trump in 2024.That's why the RATs are desperately seeking to impeach him with only days to the end of his render him ineligible to return.
posted on
01/11/2021 9:22:25 AM PST
(TERM LIMITS, NOW! Build the Wall Faster! TRUTH is the new HATE SPEECH.)
To: JimRed
Yeah, that’s what THEY want.......but it looks like they dont have the Timeframe to accomplish it.
posted on
01/11/2021 10:39:24 AM PST
(Our side has 8 trillion bullets; the oth er side doesn't know which bathroom to use. )
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