Posted on 01/07/2021 7:54:09 PM PST by ebb tide
The archbishop of Washington, DC, Cardinal Wilton Gregory, issued a statement Wednesday suggesting that some of the blame for the violence in the nation’s Capitol falls on the shoulders of President Trump.
“The divisive tone that has recently so dominated our national conversations must change,” Cardinal Gregory said, in apparent reference to Trump. “Those who resort to inflammatory rhetoric must accept some responsibility for inciting the increasing violence in our nation.”
Cardinal Gregory, the first black American cardinal, has been an outspoken critic of Trump, accusing him of racism and divisiveness.
“I fear that recent public comments by our President and others and the responses they have generated, have deepened divisions and diminished our national life,” the archbishop declared in August 2019 after the president had sharply criticized Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) for his verbal attack on Homeland Security officers and the conditions at the U.S.-Mexico border.
“Our faith teaches us that respect for people of every race, religion, gender, ethnicity and background are requirements of fundamental human dignity and basic decency,” Gregory said, seeming to imply that Trump’s words were motivated by racism. “This include newcomers to our country, people who have differing political views and people who may be different from us.”
“We all need to reject racism, disrespect or brutality in speech and action,” he said, adding that “racism occurs when we ignore the fundamental truth that, because all humans share a common origin, they are all brothers and sisters, all equally made in the image of God.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
And so does Joe Biden. Clearly.
What if Trump thinks Cardinal Gregory added to the molestation associated with the Catholic Church?
Boy, this Trump guy sounds like hitler.
Congress, SCOTUS, state governments, media—there’s plenty of blame to go around if you want to wag a finger. Just stop.
You’d have to be retarded to listen to anything this dope has to say.
This guy is a CINO, nothing more.
The floor of Hell is paved with the skulls of bad bishops.
Bet there’s a space reserved for Gregory.
I never knew clergy could get *this* bad.
Is he still dating altar boys?
Another arrogant jackass talking down the maturity of the base.
Why would I care what a non-Catholic parading as an archbishop said about anything?
Over the decades, I’ve come to the conclusion that these comprise the overwhelming majority of bishops.
Most are hirelings, many are wolves. There is a rare, occasional shepherd among them.
CARDINAL DEAR,spare me your fake outrage....
He’s not just an archbishop; he’s one of the few American bishops (e.g. Cupcake Cupich and Nighty-Nite Baby Tobin) elevated to the college of cardinals by Bergoglio.
a way-outdated list - what did Cardinal Gregory have to say?
5 Jul 2018: Breitbart: Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters
bury the FakeNewsMSM.
The incitement of the DC riots, was directly the responsibility of the democrats, when they colluded with the media to steal the election from the American people.
Trump is merely the victim, along with most Americans.
And the pope bears some responsibility for so many priests being homosexual child rapists.
Put a sock in it, greg
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