Patriot Party
America First
I thought Trump was going to launch that today and resign as president, it would have been epic and he had 100K people to launch it with.
Instead he just rants, raves and whines about the same crap he has been ranting and raving about
Moving on would have been the epic score of his political life, yes he got screwed, we all got screwed, but launching the patriot party/America First would have been epic. It would have gave us all something to look forward, a real challenge to the status quo republicrats, the swamp. Encouraged all of the 100K(or more) who showed up to join and run for school boards, dog catcher, town boards, county boards/commissioners, state reps/senates, fed senate/reps and even president.
Could have been really powerful and meaningful and a moment of true leadership.
But nope, his ego got in the way again.
Is that what happened? Thought he was still holding out hope that those he helped get into office, those he supported and those he believed supported him, would show just how fraudulent the election was and help prove it. He loves the country with a passion. He is probably at his wits end trying to save it. This is all new, he was never President before, was he getting any decent advice? He just wanted a rally like the old rallies.
They set up a false event and blamed it on the President, strangely tying it in to the elector vote. Congress is mostly bought and paid for by our enemies. Pray for the Trumps...All of them.
New American Party.
JEEZE with friends like you and the rest of the world Trump doesn’t need any more enemies!!! You EVER SEE the Dems turn on each other EVER???
Why the F should he resign?