Posted on 12/28/2020 9:00:19 AM PST by RideForever
CDMedia has begun to release information from a well-placed White House source on foreign interference in the Nov 3rd U.S. general election.
The first release regarded the Nevada Secretory of State sending voter information to Pakistani intelligence services. Learn more about RevenueStripe...
The second release is below, which show Dominion sent ballots for adjudication to 4 countries on election night – primarily Frankfurt, Germany.
The Dominion Voting system is owned and controlled by foreign entities. We lose control of the data when it goes to a foreign country.
o The electronic information went to Germany, Barcelona, Serbia, and Canada
o Dominion Servers are in Belgrade Serbia. P (ASN Range: Learn more about RevenueStripe...
o Dominion Servers with IP (ASN Range: is located in Toronto, Canada
o with IP (ASN Range: is located inFrankfurt Germany
o with IP (ASN Range: is located inBarcelona, Spain
o with IP (ASN Range: is located in Ireland
o On election night the DE-CIX Frankfurt reached a 30% spike.
Dominion Voting Systems and related companies are owned or heavily controlled and influenced by foreign agents, countries, and interests. The forensic report prepared by experts found that “the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors…The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud.” The report found the election management system to be wrought with unacceptable and unlawful vulnerabilities—including access to the internet— probable cause to find evidence of fraud, and numerous malicious actions. There is also probable cause to find that Dominion Voting Systems, Smartmatic, Electronic Systems & Software, and Hart Inter Civic, Clarity Election Night Reporting, Edison Research, Sequoia, Scytl, and similar or related entities, agents or assigns, have the same flaws and were subject to foreign interference in the 2020 election in the United States. There is probable cause to find these systems bear the same crucial code “features” and defects that allowed the same outside and foreign interference in our election, in which there is probable cause to find votes were in fact altered and manipulated contrary to the will of the voters. Dominion Voting Systems is based in Toronto, Canada, and assigns its intellectual property including patents on its firmware and software to Hong Kong and Shanghai
Multiple expert witnesses and cyber experts identified acts of foreign interference in the election prior to November 3, 2020 and continued in the following weeks. In fact, there is probable cause to find a massive cyber-attack by foreign interests on our crucial national infrastructure surrounding our election—not the least of which was the hacking of the voter registration system by Iran. (E.O. 13800 of May 11, 2017) Dominion and Smartmatic share a physical address in Barbados despite their insistence that there is no relationship between the companies. They also have a mutual non- compete agreement. Hootan Yaghoobzadeh is the CEO and Chairman of Staple Street Capital, which is the entity that owns Dominion. Hootan Yaghoobzadeh was a close confidant to Sadaam Hussein and worked for the Saudi Bin Laden group. Kavtech is a Pakistan based Business Intelligence firm with ties to the Pakistani intelligence ISI. The Co-Founder Waqas Butt is cc’d on emails containing personally identifiable voter information from the Nevada Secretary of State. The lead data scientist named Bilal Khan Nawabzada tweets directly to ISI.
The post Foreign Election Interference #2: Dominion Sent Information Election Night To 5 Countries, Frankfurt Saw 30% Spike Election Night appeared first on CD Media.
And on another note, it would be a sweet thing to watch Melania Trump personally sue Sen. Harris for fraud by claiming a Natural Born Citizen status mentioned in the US Constitution. And Melania should know, since she is a Naturalized citizen who is also unqualified to serve as POTUS or the VP.
Dominion machines need to be banned from use within the USA. Those in existence, need to be seized and impounded.
Dominion executives need to be arrested, tried and executed for sedition/treason/vote manipulation.
So what?
As long as there are Dominion executives alive in the USA there is what amounts no harm no foul
There must be serious retribution to individuals at all levels of the stolen election. Election fraud must be made a capital crime...... legally or illegally till the law can be remedied
Was there a actual seize of a server in Germany. If so did we get it.
The second release is below, which show Dominion sent ballots for adjudication to 4 countries on election night – primarily Frankfurt, Germany.
I am confused. I thought adjudication has to be ddone on the paper ballot and then counted by a voting machine.
I just did a search for proof of life of Gina Haspel, and the feckless checkers are presenting a pictures(s) from Jan. of this year. Not a single live interview or picture after the server in Frankfurt, Germany was raided at cost of 5 US Special Forces and 1 'intelligence officer' lives.
Proud of some of the comments. At least these people get it.
RE: CDMedia has begun to release information from a well-placed White House source
I’m through with anonymous sources!
Either give us the name of the source or don’t expect us to give this report credibility.
this company was RUN by Soros, and Biden’s brother in law,
and criminals in other countries ...
with the BLESSING OF SCOTUS (Roberts and other Blackrobes
like Sullivan) to MURDER THE USA and its freedom.
by the MSM and SCOTUS and Congress
while being POISONED by the VIRUS Made by FauXi and CDC
to be released by WHO/Xi/Soros/Gates and Pelosi
when NEEDED.
>>Dominion Sent Information Election Night To 5 Countries, Frankfurt Saw 30% Spike Election Night appeared first on CD Media.
All of which means absolutely nothing - how does bytes of data going to another country equate to election interference? I’d be much more interested in data coming FROM other countries back to the US voting machines, and even then would be very hard to prove anything with knowing what that data was.
This election was stolen, but it in all likelihood had more to do with the submission of fake votes on paper, and people voting 5-10-15 times under different names...not because some data was sent to Germany on election night.
It is sickening how crooked this election was!
Provide evidence that anything you just said is true. What a load of crap.
This election was stolen, but it in all likelihood had more to do with the submission of fake votes on paper, and people voting 5-10-15 times under different names...not because some data was sent to Germany on election night.
Correct unless that information was used by some as yet not known puppet master to calculate how many votes were needed and where they were needed.
So as you say, we need to find the incoming instructions and by whom.
This was an amazingly complex steal that even factored in the arguments that would be made in count and planned for them.
Pence will have plenty of cover if he rejects electoral votes from the cheating states if this story is true.
We are talking about a multi-path stream of millions of packets among a Google of packets, with specific IP addresses relating to the election servers in the US to the malware servers in other countries. Most of those packets would be a ballot's choices going out, and flipped votes coming back. The few packets of great interest are the packets containing instructions for modifying the malware, to adjust for the overwhelming blow-out of Cheatin' Joe by President Trump, for example. Those packets are few and far between, but necessary to show the control of our election by foreign players.
I wonder if Trump sent them in or the other side. Someone sure wanted them and knew the votes were being switched there.
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