“...should not lose sight of the structural constitutional values that will last far beyond any one lawsuit and any one election.” Mental and moral midget trying to talk about future elections when this is in essence the last election.
Bingo! Sounds akin to re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
Yeah, well that will not be the case. The Democrats delight in destroying the Constitution. Without the Constitution, there are no constitutional values that will last. Is Thomas Perry really this stupid that he believes what he wrote?
For what it’s worth, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) members living in a given town and who can truthfully allege that they occasionally frequent the municipal buildings thereof and who claim to be damaged by the excessively Christian content of so-called “holiday displays” on the green spaces in front of or between such buildings that include a crèche or Nativity scene, are never told that they lack standing.
Check out the contents of some of these crèche cases some day. They are utterly ridiculous.
As in many other situations in our stricken country, the question of standing seems to be decided in one direction or another depending on whose ox is being gored.