From listening to Rush today he has a strange series of reactions to what is going on with Trump...Even made the comment maybe Trump is just sick of fighting....Found this radio show very odd.
Gimme a break Rush.
There’s more than enough evidence for a judge to grant subpeonas now.
There’s more than enough evidence for law enforcement to be involved.
Saying we need more is giving in and just feeding the blackout we’re already seeing.
ACT on what we know, now.
Ok. I’ll quit whining about bombshells for the next 10 days.
Makes sense.
RUSH is of course correct. AND, the only way to get bombshells is to have a forensic analysis which will actually uncover and pinpoint the fraud we are now all aware of.
The only way we get a forensic analysis is if Georgia’s top official all demand it and don’t settle for less, Kemp, Purdue and Loeffler.
If they don’t, no bombshells and they also both lose their elections.
We all ready have what we SHOULD need.
As nice as more “bombshells” would be, we have already seen immense evidence of massive election theft in PA, MI, WI, GA, AZ, NV and ? Many times more than needed to prove Pdjt won re-election. What we need is the means of getting the news out to the captive DNC voters who never read or watch or listen to any honest media
A bombshell is nothing without there being an explosiveness to it. Make every bombshell count!
The only bombshell with this broken record of election stories is that we will have a socialist country shortly after the 20th of January. My state, GA, appears as complicit in this as all the other corrupt states certifying for Biden.
There is zero chance at this point of myself or any of my republican friends voting in the senate run off with the current system being used and the so called republican SOS certifying the general election results. I have far better things to do with my time than participate in an election that’s already had the results baked.
Like myself, seems all we have are keyboard warriors. We don’t have the backbone that the democrats and their allies have. At least they fight. What will I do? Post funny memes like President Fraud for the next 8-12 years as our country circles the toilet. Sad to say but I’m too old to fight and I’m sad for my kids and future grandkids.
I’ll just say this once, do what you want with it.
I believe the prophetic words that Kim Clement said many years ago and what Mark Taylor said the Lord showed him in 2011, that Donald Trump would serve two terms. I also believe what he said the Lord told him earlier this year and another had the same Word - that Trump would be inaugurated on Jan 20th at 12:01pm but that after the election it would be a stormy rough time. This is what we are seeing now. I don’t know how much worse it will get and how hopeless it will appear but I do know that that is when God shows His Hand - when all seems lost.
Folks, just pray like your nation depends on it.
Actually, as long as the rule of law prevails, Trump wins.
I have faith it will. There is much to come, and probably of most importance will be the report that is mandated from eo 13848. I do suspect that the proof of foreign agents and nations acting against us is likely to be a call to arms.
That report is NOT coming from Sidney Powell etc, it’s going to come from DOJ/Military.
Rush is correct...again.
Rush has been defeatist for some time.
I totally disagree with that assessment. There have been bombshells all this week and are being censored by the MSM.
The future of our country should not depend on public relations events.
Trump is the only one left who can right the ship. If he folds, we are finished.
He should do whatever it takes. It would be one of the signal events in world history if the most powerful nation in world history, the greatest nation in world history, the freest nation in world history, knelt down and submitted to the ruler ship of the most despicable gang of petty thieves ever assembled, and who committed their theft in broad daylight.
“...the Democrats will get rid of the Electoral College. Bye-bye. Bye-bye Electoral College.”
Getting rid of the EC means a Constitutional Amendment which is not easily done by any stretch of the imagination.
If you are interested.
Rush is losing it.
All he has to do is visit GP everyday
“Remember this is now a public-opinion issue.”
Outdated Media is ignoring the story
If he quits, he's going to be Julian Assanged as will his sons.
Rush has a point. The easiest thing for judges and legislatures to do is nothing.
But that’s less easy when public opinion is that they should do something. And Rush understands audiences.
There are plenty of voices whining that we have lost and nothing will be done. Even here on FR, for crying out loud. You need a series of bombshells to drown out those voices here and elsewhere
Victories count as bombshells. So do videos, new evidence, new affidavits, new court filings, new allegations, etc.