The Dems have routinely stolen elections in Wash state for decades.
The drill? Suddenly ‘discover’ a box or two of ballot that appear just in time to thrown an election.
134K pop up out of nowhere for slo joe and 100% just happen to be for slo joe?
Do these idiots think people are blind?
They really don’t care if you know. They run everything. If they say it ain’t so, it ain’t so. Now shut up and get with your new overlords.
Do these idiots think people are blind?
* * *
No, they are emboldened because nobody goes to jail who does those things. In fact, they get a kickback bonus instead.
Democrat ruined Virginia has long had such a malady. We Virginian Republicans know all about it, riding high at 88% and shot down at sunrise. The catch up the vote cheating is so obvious now with the intentionally slow states obstructing our re-election of President Trump.
Democrats have for four years tried everything to outst Trump.
Now they use: the reinvigorated well worn and failed economic disaster Chinese Wohan Fake Flu, scamdemic.
Democrats chose to continue scare distancing to pave the way and ram through early voting by mail in ballot for joe.
Election stealing,,,, and up till now not a damn thing done about it.
Well the gloves are finally off! Overplayed and called ... Trump!
I await nationwide crackdown that is sorely needed. A reinstatement of trust that our legal vote still counts will result.