The new 26,000 person National Guard force that Mexico established last year to control this kind of thing, operates under a new National Law on the Use of Force (LEY NACIONAL SOBRE EL USO DE LA FUERZA) - which can be simply summarized as "Use Force".
Mexico knows once these illegals reach Mexico, that’s as far north as they’ll get.
So Mexico won’t let them in.
Either THEY block it...
... or WE will. One way or the other.
They’re either expecting a Biden presidency, or were trying to cross over the border in time to cast their votes for democrats.
Democrats will likely take Obrador to court in order to stop the Mexican military from stopping that caravan. It’s a major voting block for democrats.
I wish them success.
Dang, Mexico is growing some additional male anatomy there.
Glad to see them step up on this. Kudos... much appreciated.
The democrats say Trump lied about Mexico paying for the wall. I say they are picking up a lot of the tab.