There are three theories as to the start of these blazes. One of course is arson by the Black Lives Matter rioters, the other is down powerlines creating a spark and the third is a fire was left to burn for a month by the forest service that exploded when it was hit by the east winds. They likely all happened causing billions of damage including the elimination of one of the most beautiful resort towns anywhere called Mill City and Detroit Lake, a jewel to drive through or boat and fish.
The most interesting one was reported by Lars Larson on his radio program which he had reports there was a five acre fire in the National Forest they had let burn since mid-August with no efforts to put it out. It later grew to 150 acres and they reduced it back to ten acres and let it sit again. Once it was hit by the East winds it exploded to 150,000 acres overnight and then roared down the Santiam canyon and through Mill City and nearly into Salem while spreading north towards Portland and combining with another fire east of Portland. He claimed part of the reason they let it burn was to collect federal dollars by having an active fire in the state which would make Gov Crazy Kate liable for the damages to those rural communities for negligence and corruption.
This is what socialism gets you, inept politicians and corruption. Whether it be allowing the Anarchists to rule the night with their wilding and burning while very likely arson in the forests, which one was picked up in WA so where there is one there is many or the mismanagement of the forests, you have incompetence everywhere you turn. Portland has now been the victim of the cult of liberalism and has become an apocalypse, while nearly being burned to the ground. If those East winds had continued another 24 or 48 hours it is very likely there would have been somewhere between 2-3 million people displaced by their homes being burned and tens of thousands killed, it was actually that close.
Whether you are a pagan atheist or believe in God, the fires was a few miles away from the very densely populated Portland suburbs with nothing between them and the fire but trees and a few tired firefighters with no air support. This was 24 hours from becoming the largest disaster this country has ever seen and depending on how fast the flames moved would have had massive loss of life, so some pagans can worship Gaia.
Crazy Kate immediately began blaming Global Warming to hide her incompetence. No matter which of the reasons for the fire she was actively involved in making those fires happen. By not shutting down the riots she emboldened the Anarchists to set fires in the forests and used them as weapons. She allowed the fire to burn without insisting the USFS to put them out which she likely agreed with and she was too busy pushing her Green Raw Deal rather than allowing funding for tree removal under power lines leaving a tinder box for the sparks to ignite. These fires were caused by Crazy Kate and the Dems who have ruled Oregon with an iron fist for forty years.
Oregon has the most forested land of any state in the country and those forests are dying. Due to the complete mismanagement of the forests by Democrats and their masters in the Sierra Club they will not allow the true environmentalists, the loggers to go into those forests and make them healthy. Due to the worshiping of the forests rather than managing them the forests are nearly dead and these forest fires are a symptom of that death. Since the closing of the forests due to the Endangered Species fraud the forest fires every year have increased to the point of now there are around 1,200 plus square miles burning in the state of prime forests.
Rather than having thousands of square miles burn and then in two years have those thousands of square miles triple when the bugs come in and spread to the surrounding unburned trees, why not harvest the dying trees and replant? With todays science and technology these could be the healthiest forests in the world and would end the forest fires within a decade. Healthy forests do not burn and when they do they are easily extinguished and replanted. These fires will be neglected and the forests will not recover for twenty or thirty years thanks to the Sierra Club and the rest of the ecoterrorists who deny the proper management of the trees.
This was a day or two from a potential disaster of Biblical proportions. It was not caused by too much CO2 in the air or too many SUVs, it was caused by the complete mismanagement of the forests by special interests in San Francisco and Washington DC. The same people who are burning the cities started their power takeover 40 years ago by making the very people who took care of the forests and all of its environments into the villians just like they do every industry or institution through massive brainswashing and never get the blame. Now they will blame Global Warming to hide the fact they are the reason and their ridiculous letting the forests turn to weeds until a spark ignites them and you have a devastating fire which kills more trees and forest animals than loggers could in ten lifetimes. They know the forests far better than all the lawyers in San Francisco.
Now Kate will hide behind Global Warming and her draconian Green Raw Deal as a way to suck more taxes out of Oregonians for the environment. How does burning tens of thousands of square miles of trees help the environment Kate? There has been more CO2 and every noxious chemical released in these fires than ten years of driving cars. Arent you for reducing CO2? Why are you allowing massive quantities of CO2 and caused the most deadly air in the world to be formed if you care about the environment? The incompetence and mismanagement of these forests in the name of GW has caused an environmental disaster and nearly a human apocalypse.
Oregon has been the leading edge of pagan worship through the religion of environmentalism. This religion is the same one we have seen evolve into every liberal feelgoodism under the sun. This blend of earth worship, atheism and Darwinism has forced the elimination of the forests industry which kept the forests in control and made these deadly fires a rarity rather than an annual event. Add to this and the justification of arson in the name of stopping racism or whichever social morality they classify and you have a nuclear bomb waiting to go off.
The answer is actually pretty simple, let the foresters do their job. Allow the lumber industry to harvest and clean the forests of all the dead and dying trees which are waiting to become fuel for more deadly fires. Stop the massive pollution with chemicals such as sulpher, ozone, massive carbon and every other chemical known to man as these incredible fires turn wood to flames. There is no scrubbing, cleaning or Green energy being produced, only massive amounts of pollution which is causing lung and health issues. The air quality is worse than Beijing and Moscow as these fires pour more and more pollution into the air.
If you do believe in the fraud of Global Warming which Oregon has had record snows and rains over the last 5 years, then how much CO2 is released into the air. These dictators are closing down a clean coal burning power plant which provides around 20% of the power for the state due to their Green obsession yet these forests are producing more CO2 in 10 seconds than that plant produces in ten years. They have stopped a NatGas plant as well as a coal port due to damaging Mother Eart which is minimal to none while these forests spew more CO2 in a minute than they would produce in a decade.
If these forests were managed properly these fires would be reduced significantly as well as producing oxygen from CO2. These forests could become the scrubbers of the world rather than a dying mass of trees. They could become healthy and vibrant rather than a tinder box waiting for a spark or an arsonists with an agenda. They could be self-funding rather than a burden and danger waiting for a spark. They could produce jobs rather than smoke and pollution.
It is time to relearn the environment of the forests. Rather than worshiping the trees as America has over the past 40 years it is time to use that worship into the proper care of these environments. It is time to realize the real environmentalists are the loggers and lumber industry which actually works with the forests to make them as healthy as humanly possible. It is time to use the biology of the forests to make them healthy and strong rather than weak and dying. These fires should make Oregon and America rethink the forests and what it will take to make them healthy.
God saved Portland from having one of the largest disasters in history. It nearly became a firestorm rolling through a city of 3 million with nothing to stop it if the wind would have continued for another day. As bad as these fires have been there would have been nothing to compare to a fire roaring through a major city with very little time to leave and nowhere to go. It was setting up to be the perfect storm for disaster and then the winds changed back. If not for the Lord and prayer there is no question this would have been one of the worst disasters in America due to worshiping the forests rather than caring for them. It is time to worship the Lord and care for his creation.
Pray for the election
Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Brays. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.
Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.
Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy. We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail. We shall, as always, end with a smile.
(another update)
Woodward of Woodward and Bernstein is baaaaaack!