Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.
Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy. We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail. We shall, as always, end with a smile.
(another update)
Woodward of Woodward and Bernstein is baaaaaack!
Internet Posting Pet Peeves
I must declare right now that when it comes to Internet posting crimes that I am as guilty of various and sundry as most people. But since I've made a vow to change my ways as the pandemic of 2020 had me online a lot and I learned a lot I am mending my ways and am on to my own annoyances..
Now on to MY pet peeves.
Now I know in this social media world all sorts of abbreviations crop up to avoid hitting the keys. Everyone knows LAUGHING OUT LOUD is LOL. BTW is BY THE WAY. There are others, of course, but too damn often posters on all kinds of forums make their own. I, of course, am often too stupid to know what LULZ means (that's supposed to be LOL in the plural .did anybody else know that?)
Here's the solution ..spell out the whole thing that you know you will be mentioning a lot in a post, spell it out just once. Example, you are talking about the American Civil Liberties Union .write it out once and in parenthesis after, put the abbreviation you intend to use for the rest of your post (ACLU). Now the ACLU is fairly well known for its abbreviation, as is the FBI or CIA and perhaps is not a good example but I think it makes the point.
Inappropriate commentary
Next peeve .why do people enter into a thread and tell everybody currently engages in posting/debating the post subject, and put it down? What do they get out of it?
For example, every Sunday I participate in a forum on the Sunday political talk shows, been doing so for almost 20 years now. Suddenly somebody enters the thread (on a very popular political web site) and writes a long spiel about they hate the Sunday political talk shows, how they all lie, how he or she is too damn intelligent .on and on and on and on.
Why does somebody do that? Is it to make everyone not as smart as this commenter to feel waaaaay stupider than he or she who hates those shows? Why not just, here's a thought, just pass the thread on by. Find a thread that makes you happy rather than making everyone around you think you are a jerk on the current thread with a subject you so hate?
It doesn't matter the subject of the thread .motorcycles, swimming, a TV show if the thread title plainly states a subject you dislike .pass it on by for God's sake. Don't join the thread and tell the posters not bothering a soul how you hate the subject of the thread thereby implicating that everyone participating in such a thread must be a moron.
There are reasonable exceptions to the above, of course. Perhaps you have a reason why you don't like the posted subject matter that is worthy of sharing. As in "I always liked that show until they removed Joe Blow from the lead" or some logic that brings debate to the matter.
But just to say you hate it?
It makes you look inconsiderate and without any kind of life.
Watch the formatting of your words. I use all caps quite a bit but to my defense I use them in the same way I would use when speaking the subject as I raise my voice to make my point. All caps are a way of expressing one's self when sound is not available. But use sparingly.
Watch repeating commentary. Study a little bit of HTML. Hell I am 70 years old and I know enough to get by. HTML, btw, is the abbreviation for programming on the Internet.
How text is formatted is quite important on social media. Maybe dotting I's and crossing t's don't matter with oral communication, but such as how the text looks matters quite a bit on social media.
And don't, please don't, keep all your words together in one big blob. Paragraphs are your friend. ====================================================
Note you don't hear much about the Bob wWoodward "book of distortions" these days after a huge entourage made super attacks at our President.Perhaps they looked a bit deeper into woodward and what a corrupt POS he is.
Heres a piece i posted here on FR a few days ago when I just couldnt stand the rhetoric coming from the driveby holes at CNN,MSNBC and the rest: Back in the Jan-March time line those of us who had researched the corona virus had come up with much of the following:
We had learned by then that the virus had been around since at least 2015.It was hatched at Fort Dietrich in the US transferred to the UNC,Univ. of North Carolina, where they discovered just how deadly we all thought it was and they panicked trying to get rid of it.
It was then sent to Wuhan labs in Wuhan city,China. Who sent it there? None other that midget Fauci! He secured a three million dollar grant from the CDC and set the chicoms ups so they could give it gain which theoretically would make it a bio-weapon of major proportions.
It turned out to be a variation of the flu little more.
In the US currently the death statistics assoc. with corona19 have just been down-graded by the CDC from 180,000 to a more realistic and possibly still too high 10,000 or most likely far less than that.
Seems anyone with underlying conditions such as pneumonia,heart problems,cancer, asthma,emphasema and even death by motor cycle. Several who died and also had the corona virus were said to have died from corona19! Possibly the monetary stimulus from the govt. helped things along.13k if you had corona written on your death certificate and 39k if you died while on a ventilator.Hence the rush to get as many ventilators as possible.That is until they learned that ventilators actually caused more deaths than saved people.
When it was discovered that those who were dying supposedly from corona 19 all had at least 2.6 underlying conditions the CDC was forced to tell the truth for a change. Also it pays to remember that the covid 19 story is constantly evolving with new info coming out almost weekly.To assume that the same things would be said about covid in January as in Sept. would be stupid, naive, and inept at best as is Woodward's book.
So back to the early part of the year President Trump was being interviewed by one of the most rabid left wingers ever, Bob Woodward. He wrote for one of the worst driveby papers ever: the WaPost. Woodward taped every word which aids gotcha journalists as they twist and turn every word.
At the time it would not have been unusual if potus told the tainted journalist that he thought the virus was far more deadly than it actually turned out to be.Potus >b?would have been reacting to what we all thought at the time.
Those ten of us who had all done our research thought the same thing at the time.
Little did we know that corona19 virus was in actual fact little more that a tame version of the flu that was actually far less deadly than the H1N1 flu that we encounter yearly.
The difference was the media had grabbed hold of the story and blown it out of proportion just like Woodward is doing to the potus now.Once again a lot of monetary stimulus,book interviews,huge advances,other giants like movie rights,an unending flow of benefits from creating the great lie that woodward created greased the story.
What is it we say so often:
True in this case as well.Woodward with little to brag about since Watergate and that too now in jeopardy when our side take a hard look at it, just like we have 911, needed something to help his lack-luster life look better than it actually was.
So when you hear all this bull/sh_t about how the president lied to the public about just how severe the virus was and you look at CNN and they still carry the death toll at near 200k when they know that 9-10k is the real number who is lying?
Who lies all the time, every day, and has nothing to run on and has a history of destroying the country with every move they make? Is it our potus or is it the demonrat party and the driveby media that covers everything they do. From hiding an insane candidate in a basement drugged out of his mind for months to trying to impeach our potus with made up evidence.Who is the liar?
Because it sure as hell is not our President!!!!
Leaders decide, and lead. Followers sit back and react hoping to get some credit for their non engagement
Thanks Fish as always. I am still trying to wrap my head around the decision POTUS made to talk to Woodward. One of his dumbest yet!