Carrying a goat while wearing a satanic belt.
What is Satanic about the belt.
It looks like a seat belt buckle from a mid 1970s Chevy.
That goat is probably a BLM sex crime victim.
How is that a satanic belt?
Saw that immediately - a smiling Satanist. Child psychologist should have raised his spawn better.
I think she has no concept of good or bad, a soulless idiot with zero consciousness of bad even. No doubt she is for abortion, however. These city women tend toward the prostitute profile and thus have a different relation with domestic animals.
The mother has no fear and would have no qualms killing that goat to feed her species but the prostitute views the animal as a comfort and form of protection of their sexuality for sex’s sake and of their inherent fearfulness in their anti child protection agenda. Adam hid under the bushes when he bit the fruit because he became feminine but without the agenda of the specie that Eve still could leverage bruising the snake’s head with her heel.
“Carrying a goat while wearing a satanic belt.”
That’s a seat belt not a satanic belt.