Guerilla countermove: give $199 to a number of candidates instead of $200 or more to one. Nothing need be reported.
I know of one well-known Dem Congressman who systematically does this.
The transparency of that law was well-intended, but unfortunately our political culture has been overrun by Saul Alinsky acolytes. Time to make changes.
I want to donate but I dont want to reactivate my name on political lists. I wish we could just donate and they would leave us alone.
It is none of the government’s (local, state or federal) business, to whom I donate money, political or otherwise...........................
George Orwell was a prophet. Those in the Light--note tagline--received his prophesies as a warning, those on the Dark Side, as an instruction manual.
If the Democrats succeed in November 2020, Orwell's nightmare will become a reality.
My contributions to Trump of less than $200 are showing up on the FEC database. Not that I care. I’m going to donate again.
Cyclotic has made donations to the campaigns of Kim Klacik, Donald Trump and Neil Parrott.
Neil is a friend of mine and a true conservative for Maryland
Yep, that's been in my employment contract for 15 years.
Why? Because I work in a very heavily federally regulated industry and my employer has to verify BY LAW every contribution I and everyone else makes to ensure no conflict of interest or quid pro quo.
I of course skirt these requirements every election cycle and won't disclose how I do so. :-) It's easy enough to get around them and wouldn't take anyone with a functional IQ more than a minute or two to think of their own way(s) around them too.
If people are afraid to have campaign donations monitored, do you think that they will accept and unsollicited call from a stranger and then freely and truthfully discuss their political opinions? Polls are bogus.
The recent action by SDNY against the organization, We Build the Wall clearly demonstrates the motivation of such Democrat reprobates. They want a list of donors, ostensibly in case refunds of donations are ordered. But we all know how they will use the list...
One approach would be to establish banks and brokerage firms as qualified intermediaries who receive political donations and pass the money on, with the donor kept secret, even from the candidate or party. This would help to break the connection between donations and political favors, which is the reason for disclosure laws in the first place.
Consider, if a foreign government can spend a hundred billion dollars to gain control of the American government, it is much, much cheaper and more effective than a war.
Far less risky as well.
The American foreign policy toward China in the 40 years before Trump, was very close to what the Chinese wanted.
Not just private, but ANONYMOUS. You can’t sell influence if you don’t know who is buying. Americans should be allowed to donate any amount they wish to any candidate or party they choose; that’s FREEDOM. But a quid-pro-quo result turns it to BRIBERY, a crime. Punish it accordingly.