It it executive overreach or is it because of legislative lethargy?
Possibly it could be a way to weaken Pelosis' stranglehold on this election a bit, take away her bargaining power by taking away her ability to hold the Administration and the conservatives hostage on the coronavirus relief legislation as we move closer to the election. Lots of things are going to happen at a faster clip as we get closer to Nov 3rd.
It sounds like it is more of a 3D chess move on Trumps part more than it is a real tax cut, to shift the focus off of her death grip on the coronavirus relief package. These kind of things are more for shifting attention, shifting focus away from what it is you're actually doing. This is naturally only my opinion FWIW.
-——executive overreach——
Perhaps you forget.
America is in the midst of a declared emergency. Executive action in the emergency is not overreach.
There is no actual legislative lethargy for the simple reason that there is no raw political power to push something through. The Democrats can’t legislate
In my opinion, it is executive leadership because the Republic faces an existential threat in the form of the radical left.
The Left now controls the House, which has an effective veto on legislative action.
Their latest tantrum amounts to: give in to our demands to destroy the Republic (bail outs of near insurgent cities and states who have been run into the ground by leftists, inviting more of the same).
So, President Trump is following his oath of office, to defend the Constitution, to the best of his ability, with considerable courage.
The Democrats will not cooperate. They threaten destruction rather than follow the Constitution.