I will not deny that the problem was inappropriate storage.
I will attribute that fact to bureaucratic ignorance. Storage was in fact a problem because of the sheer volume. However, since the material is in fact fertilizer and is shipped by literally the ship load, the problem must not be unique.
Even if the storage was considered to be temporary, bureaucratic inertia would prevent being moved once it was temporarily stored. Lots of people are going to study this explosion with extreme care
There is another thread on a visit by France’s Macron. Perhaps the Ammonium Nitrate is of French origin. Now that’s funny
I think it was confiscated from a Russian company. That alone would make me suspicious
Starting with Lloyd's of London. THEY want to know why a shipment of 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate got stuck in limbo at that warehouse in Beirut for seven years and why it wasn't moved to somewhere safer many years ago.