Posted on 07/21/2020 9:04:54 AM PDT by SeekAndFind
About 138,600 Americans have already volunteered to participate in clinical trials for a Covid-19 vaccine less than two weeks after the launch of a national effort to sign up a total of 120,000 participants to help test four vaccines beginning this fall, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
* In an effort to recruit the vast number of volunteers needed to test potential vaccines, NIAID launched the website for the Covid-19 Prevention Network July 8, where volunteers can sign up.
* The Prevention Trials Network was created by combining four already existing clinical trial networks funded by the NIAID.
* There will be over 100 testing sites across the U.S. with the possibility of sites opening internationally as well.
* After registering on the website, volunteers are given a questionnaire thats designed to evaluate how likely they are to become infected with the virus and whether they are eligible for the clinical trials.
* A potential vaccine developed by Moderna, which recently published the results of a promising 45-person trial, is expected to be the first vaccine tested in a large Phase 3 trial. Other vaccines in line for Phase 3 trials have been developed by AstraZeneca, Inovio and Johnson & Johnson.
According to the Covid-19 Prevention Network website, most studies will require volunteers to visit a research site at least 10 times over one or two years where they will be injected with either a potential vaccine or a placebo. Researchers wont infect volunteers with Covid-19 but rather will give volunteers the vaccine and see if that prevents them from becoming infected.
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Guinea pig morons.
Let’s hope they don’t earn too many Darwin Awards.
Will they go lick door knobs in Wuhan for the final result
Scroo the vaccine. I’ll volunteer to take the Trump Regimen.
I volunteered. Brave browser didn’t seem to work, I needed to use Edge.
Im all for a vaccine...but nothing mandatory.
For some reason I find this...Disturbing
Let them.
Future democRAT voters?
Here’s a chance to get any liberal friends to put up or shut up!
So long as it’s on a volunteer basis, the Moderna vax seems promising and relatively safe at this phase. Though wouldn’t go near one from a company that can’t keep their baby powder clear of asbestos.
We are not about to run out of Sheeple, that’s for sure.
They hate their own DNA.
They only need last name for each of them. First name is Karen.
People are having a lot of trust for something we’ve never had approved by the CDC/FDA, which is a vaccine for a coronavirus.
Unless one by chance ends up in the placebo control group...then it would be a “lucky guinea pig” who made a few extra bucks.
And who trusts the CDC now? Maybe if the CDC were behind the testing some might not volunteer for clinical trials?
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