Violation of Civil Rights, PC 422.6(b) Vandalism Under $400, PC 594(a) Possession of Tools to Commit Vandalism or Graffiti, PC 594.2(a)
The Ministry of Justice has released its edict.
Tip over a hundred year old statue is ok but deface yellow paint on a public street is a crime. "Mural" my @ss
“Judge, we were cleaning up the vandalism and graffiti.”
For starters, it IS infuriating. Double standard, but completely predictable.
However, Our Side (and there ARE very clear sides for all to see) needs to continue to take the High Road.
Until the REAL shooting starts, that is. ;)
Why is covering u a Communist mural a hae crime? The Communist mural itself is a hate crime!
So, let me make sure I have this right: deface and destroy monuments is no problem. Deface a BLM painting on a public street is a hate crime.
Yep, makes complete sense /s
We must address the root and byproduct of systemic racism in our country, the government prosecutor said as she announced that she was prosecuting a couple for a hate crime for daring to cover up Black Lives Matter graffiti.
I have to say, for a country so experienced in systemic racism, we really suck at it.
I notice the fake news never says “Biden supporters.”
So, defacing a BLM mural is a hate crime.
What is defacing a statue/flag/police car/etc?
Either we make these vermin regret their actions or we assume the Obama position and let them do us.
A misdemeanor “hate crime”?!
Is that akin to a, ‘don’t much care for it’ crime? An ambivalence crime?
If the perps are caught, they'll be freed quickly either b/c "no cash bail" or bailed out by celebrity money.
While we slept...he replaced HUNDREDS across the nation
The civil rights charge will not hold up in court.
That is certain.
The other two charges are shaky, at best.
But both will likely lose their jobs and home.
The vindictive hate on the left is a sign of things to come.
Be ready.
I told my wife they better watch out they will get a hate crime..
Some murals and statues are more equal than others.
Can one even GET A PERMIT in that county for a Blue LM or ALM mural? Just to be clear who are new civil masters are?! [Oops I just used the ‘m’ word, my bad!]
OMG...Black is White...Up is Down...Good is Bad. Our JUST US system is totally broken.
WOW! Defacing govt and private property is all okee dokee then. Good to know. If you get busted just “SAY HIS NAME” and you’ll be cut loose.
Looks more like graffiti vandalism than a “mural”.
You’d think painting a public thoroughfare with political sloganry might be worthy of a fine or two as well.
But this is crazy California. Run by lunatics.