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To: ohioman

Now you’re throwing around “racist” like the left I see.
I’m siding with common sense here. Shooting someone running away who is not a threat is NOT JUSTIFIED unless you reasonably believed that he was about to harm someone. Then use of force is justified.
I get the fact that he was a POS and fought with cops, that doesn’t mean it’s open season on someone. A taser isn’t a lethal weapon, his partner was right there with him for back up.
He was rightfully charged—end of story.

160 posted on 06/17/2020 2:38:38 PM PDT by jntrees
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To: jntrees

you have no idea about a taser either do you. A taser is non deadly when one has been trained with it in the hands of someone untrained it can be deadly and the DA has said in a previous case it is deadly.

You are spouting BLM media crap wake up

176 posted on 06/17/2020 2:51:38 PM PDT by manc ( If they want so called marriage equality then they should support polygamy too.)
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To: jntrees

"I get the fact that he was a POS and fought with cops, that doesn’t mean it’s open season on someone. A taser isn’t a lethal weapon, his partner was right there with him for back up."

To you and about 3 or 4 other completely ignorant in-need-of actual-facts pro black lies matter people on this thread:

Rayshard snatches a taser from one of the officers. Rayshard now has a means to disable either one of those two officers with the taser and TAKE THE OFFICERS WEAPON AND KILL THE OFFICER WITH HIS OWN GUN. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS? This constitutes a THREAT OF DEADLY FORCE against both those officers just by Rayshard having a taser in his possession.

Rayshard fights police then runs with taser still in his possession. Rayshard not only HAS a taser in his possession but FIRES the taser, not just points the taser, FIRES the taser in his possession at the officer pursuing him. The officer pursuing him STILL has only his taser in his hand before Rayshard fires the taser at him. When the officer sees Rayshard fire the taser at him, he ONLY THEN drops his own taser and unholsters his firearm. Up until the point that Rayshard fired the taser at him, the officer was STILL trying to subdue Rayshard with non-lethal force. Rayshard had a taser in his possession constituting a threat of deadly force all the way up to and until he hit the ground.

Some model tasers are 2 shot and 3 shot tasers. It's clear in the body cam part of the video that during the fight there were more than two taser shots heard being fired. If those are one shot tasers, like so many of you black lies matter people KEEP repeating, and there are only two officers there, how come you can hear at least three taser shots being fired in the scuffle before Rayshard broke loose and ran?

Practically all police model taser are dual function tasers. They not only fire multiple shots, they also have electrodes for close contact tasing. MEANING, even if Rayshard's taser was out of shots, that taser in his possession was still capable of tasing the officer when the officer came within physical range of him, whereupon, Rayshard could have still disabled that officer, taken his weapon and shot the officer with his own gun. THAT constitutes a threat of deadly force to that officer. Totally justifiable shooting.

237 posted on 06/17/2020 11:21:47 PM PDT by BP1001
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