Of the six figures depicted - Lord Rothschild, John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, Aleister Crowley, Andrew Carnegie and Paul Warburg - two (Rothschild and Warburg) were Jewish.[2][3]
“I came to paint a mural that depicted the elite banker cartel known as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, the ruling class elite few, the Wizards of Oz. They would be playing a board game of monopoly on the backs of the working class. The symbol of the Free Mason [sic] Pyramid rises behind this group and behind that is a polluted world of coal burning and nuclear reactors. I was creating this piece to inspire critical thought and spark conversation. A group of conservatives do not like my mural and are playing a race card with me. My mural is about class and privilege. The banker group is made up of Jewish and white Anglos. For some reason they are saying I am anti-semitic. This I am most definitely not... What I am against is class.”[5]
Thanks, wasn’t aware of that. Givene Ice Cube’s history, I’m not giving him credit for knowing either. Though I will go to his twitter thread and see if he mentioned that. I’ll admit I’ve no great malice against John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, Aleister Crowley, Andrew Carnegie either. Think of the parks and museum’s we couldn’t enjoy if they’d not created them. Wonder what’s remaining of Ted Turner’s $1 billion donation to the UN. Anything permanent for future generations.
Aaaand...now you are quoting WIKIPEDIA????
Can you get any lower?