As terrible as this whole George Floyd tragedy is, from the Bureau of Justice Statistics we see in 2018 there were 549K black on white violent crimes in the USA and 59K white on black violent crimes.
This is almost a 10 to 1 ratio of more black on white violent crimes than white on black violent crimes. IT IS ALL BAD.
Placing our faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, sharing His love and Gospel to others, and seeing people as Almighty God sees them made in His image and likeness - this is what is needed in our country.
An excellent book on this subject is, The Third Option by Myles McPherson.
Please stop with the facts, people are going to be so confused.
I kneel before God, my Father, His Son and my Brother, Jesus, and to accept the blessing and guidance of the Holy Spirit. That’s it. It makes my life very simple when this kind of garbage comes along.
Adjust for population size. It’s more like 32 to one. Off the charts violence. Savagery actually.
BLM is not just a lie. It is the polar opposite of the truth.
Our nation has lost it’s freaking mind.
In the entire USA last year, a total of 41 unarmed citizens were killed by police. Of those:
19 were white,
9 were black,
6 were Latino,
4 were other races,
3 were unknown