Let me turn that around on you. Shall the rest of the nation be forever bound to bail out California just because they hold a few “good people” essentially hostage? No. They should get the same answer that CA and other states gave Texas when the Texas economy crashed and burned in 1986 - “F*** you, fix it yourself.”
No negotiations with hostage takers.
I’ll say the same thing that I tell my relatives still in Hong Kong that refused to leave after 97. “You have known a long time that this problem was coming. Yet you stayed in place hoping that somehow something would change instead of getting out of the way of the boulder that would otherwise squash you and you constantly attacked and belittled those who left. Now you scream about needing to be saved. No sympathy for you.”
I agree, but that was not the issue, nor was it the issue with regard to Sodom and Gomorrah. Let them fail on their own with no help from any other as they fail due to their own policies. You are confuting the issue and premise.