What is Kentucky doing with a Democrat governor anyway.
He won by a few thousand votes...
Trying to be like Kansas?
Suffering just like Kansas... and maybe learning their lesson of how evil the Demonicrats really are.
The republican running against him was a big ole meany
We had a terribly corrupt administration under governor Beshear - our current governor’s dad.
He was replaced by governor Bevin. He was our “Trump, but more articulat”. He was a business man and one of his big pushes was to fix our state pension system that is almost as bad as Illinois. But the changes he was making, and good changes they were, were irritating the teachers.
Meanwhile, Andy Beshear was also elected AG at the same time and he ran the office like his office’s sole purpose was to fight everything Bevin tried to do.
So, He ran against bevin and got a LOT of the teacher vote as well as the families of the teachers. End result, out of 1.5 million votes, he won by 5,000.
The first thing we got from him: we only had one abortion clinic left and it was on the ropes. He approved construction of four more.
Kentucky is learning what most of us already knew: elections have consequences.
Since 1931 we have only had 4 Republican Governors and not one has been reelected.
Now you can see why Ky is near last in so many important things like education and job creation. We now have a republican in as Secretary of State. Maybe we can finally have fair elections and turn things around.
The democrat gubernatorial candidate won by just over 5,000 votes.
That is easily done in one corrupt city like Louisville or
Frankfort. They will always win close elections because
the democrats will steal enough to win by hook or by crook.
KY has had only two Republican governors, both defeated for reelection, since Louie B. Nunn left office in 1971.