Let’s be brutally honest here: Ann Coulter is a wretched harridan who probably doesn’t have a conservative bone in her body. She’s just a New England WASP who hates brown people ... hence her infatuation over the years with ineffective politicians like Mitt Romney and Chris Christie for no other reason than their credentials as wealthy white men.
That’s freakin hilarious and just as bad as what I wrote...
The media is loaded with fake conservatives. Most out themselves, eventually.
Why, that's... that's... DY-NO-MITE!*
*Catch-phrase of Jimmy Walker of the tv series "Good Times," whom Ms. Coulter dated.
She has made comments indicating that she is not pro-life at all.
“Shes just a New England WASP who hates brown people”...
It was a preponderance of white people who fought WWII to keep this Republic free.
My father was one of them, so I tend towards saving this Republic for the primarily Christian families who, by their many sacrifices, saved Western Civilization.
The Chinese Generals whose babies were born on American soil present a greater threat than WWII’s aggressors.
The second generation of US-born Muslims will grow an army of opportunistic Jihadists.
Diversity has become a US Trojan Horse: and no, I don’t like it—at all.
Very good summary, Hear Hear!
thing to remember is that at one point Ann Colter dated bill Mahr.