EMBRACE THE SUCK you stupid Democrat VOTERS!
The men, and I use that term loosely, who run the tow trucks must lead a real pathetic existence. Does anyone do the right thing anymore?
Another Communist Democrat
I take it that the daily shootings and killings of black residents in Chicago were not interrupted by this police action?
Don’t kid yourself - there were more than enough Chicago Cops willing to arrest the church goers and have their cars towed. They are just following orders...and trying to get promoted.
Where in hell is the ACLU?
Sounds as if the ham-fisted Governor and now the dictator wannabe Mayor are girding for a battle with those of the faith and the faithful citizens all in an attempt to show all just who is boss and who’s giving the orders. Don’t know what other conclusion anyone could draw here. Hello AG Barr, where is the DoJ and your people who defend citizens 1st Amendment rights against an overbearing state government?
Those Demo-dictators really know how to double down. A lesson for some easily frightened Republicans with lib kids wagging their fingers at them.
Time to take the fight to the city. Burn all tow trucks owned by the City.
Many of these Romanians remember Nicolae Ceausescu. Mayor Lori Lightfoot is a petty Ceausescu wannabe, but she doesn’t have the power to go full communist tyrant . . . yet. So long as decent people stand up to the totalitarian left, these thugs will never have the absolute control that they dream of.
Someone’s going to have to be appointed as a referee to determine when the Second Civil War begins, or began.
China did more than send this virus out. They’ve indoctrinated those petty tyrants to close down churches. 1776 has to be revived again against these Dem’s.
I could not find this reported anywhere else, but went to the church’s website and I think it did happen.
The tone of the service reflects it did happen.
The Africanization of Chicago is now complete, total.
Chicago is Harare on lake Michigan
Where are the bros in the hood? When will they rise up? They are supposedly church going people.
It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation enlightened as it is if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.
-Sam Adams
Lightfoot? Light in the brains? Yep. And I don’t mean a light bulb either.
Agenda 21 suburb deconstruction ... dreadful