Why is Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) supporting a bailout for newspapers?
And when they get their $timulu$ how soon will they lower their paywalls and “we’ve noticed you’re blocking ads” walls?
Maybe he has a relative who works for a newspaper. Theres no advertising. So they are laying off all the reporters. However they were doing that before and theyre owned by the huge corporations like Gannet and who wants to support them?
Tell him no. Its sick that the Kennedy center got money. Why??
How about no? The lying press can finance its lies on its own.
Because you can't possibly find any of this information online...
Oh, that's right - you can't be trusted to put the right 'spin' on things if you think for yourself.
Buggy-whip manufacturers must also be given Federal Taxpayer money during this crisis, because people aren’t going out for rides in their buggies like they did before Trump sent the virus to plague us.
Methinks whoever wrote this missed the irony.
This so called crisis of print and other media was created on a false premise. If these idiots cared so much about surviving, why did they not report the truth before this instead of leftist agendas? Now they want a bail out band aid to continue their perfidy. Go fly a kite clowns.
Yeah, I might even agree with this if the MEDIA reported the news instead of promoting Democrat and Left-wing causes.
Buggy whip manufacturers hardest hit.
Local has been destroyed by the national/international media.
The ones with the big pockets.
Would help to give locals more 1st Amend protections, and the international media less.
I get more truth from the Babylon Bee than the presstitutes
Uh, no. Why should I have to fund propaganda for leftist policy and for candidates who will work against my freedom?
All my small town 2 sheet rag prints is regurgitated AP articles and local sports and church event notices
With 2 out of 3 of those having nothing to report, they’re struggling to find enough obituaries and fluff to fill the pages
The monthly report from the local drainage board meeting makes top of the fold, front page
Fake News is not essential !!
That will be a h*ll no.
They should get the money from their masters (the DNC).
Take the King’s Coin, do the King’s Bidding.
How many newspapers are really “local” anymore? The Virginian Toilet (Pilot) is owned by Tronc who also owns the Baltimore Sun, Chicago Tribune, Orlando Sentinel, etc. Flush em’ all.