I can't speak for anyone else but it would break my friggin heart if this fine old gentlelady were to assume room temperature in the next few days.
“Hospitals are always dangerous places for the elderly...at least partially because of hospital-acquired infections. Pneumonia is also another danger...when you confine an elderly person to bed even for short period pneumonia is a very real threat.”
When I lived in Hong Kong the doctors refused to admit me to the hospital when I had severe antibiotic-resistant bronchitis (pneumonia) I was quarantined at home for 13 weeks until I could get over it (Including 2 weeks after my lungs were clear). I’d go to a clinic by ambulance one a week for x-rays and the doctor came to our flat to check on me twice a week. All they could do was treat symptoms. The reason was they didn’t want those germs in a hospital ward