Excellent! Even if the Democrats win in 2020 or 2024, this is President Trump’s long-term legacy.
This Kentucky judicial nominee must be a strict-constitutional-constructionist.
Why else would Schumer and the ABA be opposed to him ?
“Excellent! Even if the Democrats win in 2020 or 2024, this is President Trumps long-term legacy.”
If the Democrats win, it will be a communist takeover - and nothing will keep any of those judges in place after that. The law as you know it will not exist. It will be rule by the order and by force.
Excellent! Even if the Democrats win in 2020 or 2024, this is President Trumps long-term legacy.
We’ve been burned too many times. Never wise to count GOP judge chickens before they hatch. Souter, Kennedy, Blackmun, Roberts, etc., etc. GOP judges just do not have ideological uniformity and loyalty to the Constitution.