Sounds like she is a perfect choice for Joe Biden.
That’s a beautiful sight.
What a load of lemmings.
The video I watched showed maybe 150 people tops.
Good! That means that anyone who wants to go into the city to protest can... Just like Walmart, stay away from the exit doors and use only the entrance doors...
Where is the Rubber Duck when you need him, we got us a Convoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Police shut off access to state capitol=police state. Doesn’t take long, does it?
Remember this: We never more than a couple weeks away from a full-blown tyranny.
Thanks for posting this.
Lansing Michigan Protest - Drone Footage - Patman Droneography
Michigan IS NOT letting up nor are they going home!
This is great!
4 hours and counting.
Here’s another live link...
Here’s another live stream from Lansing.
I believe this person has 5 feeds going at once.
The police are blocking streets near the Capitol and exits off the interstate, but it’s too late. The vehicles are already there, so the police efforts are only adding to the gridlock.
Most drivers were intending to drive by the Capitol bldg. Some still are able to reach the Capitol, but others are being diverted away onto side streets in an effort to stunt the flow.
drone footage - smart whoever paid to have it documented
“1. God grant us the serenity to accept those things we cannot change.
2. The courage to change those things we can.
3. And the wisdom to know the difference.
I’m seeing us at having just finished up 3. And moving NOW to 2. Godspeed.