Hydroxychloroquine isn’t totally effective by itself - it has to be combined with azithromycin or another antiviral to reduce the viral load to undetectable levels. It also is reportedly not all that effective for people in the later stages of COVID-19. On the other hand, HCQ combines with lower doses of remdesivir can work in later stage infections and some patients in the last stage have been saved by remdesivir by itself. Remdesivir was the first reported antiviral that worked at all on the thing, which is part of why the media fixed on it.
I'm heard some good result from other countries regarding later stage use.
One thing the US doesn't seem to address all the time is the need for extra zinc. Using a zinc ionophore doesn't do much good if the patient is zinc deficient - which many people are, especially males.
Hydroxychloroquine isnt totally effective by itself - it has to be combined with azithromycin or another antiviral to reduce the viral load to undetectable levels.
Azithromycin is an antibiotic, and thus utterly useless against a virus. It is used in this treatment because the China virus leads to pneumonia and the azithromycin helps to control that infection while the hydroxychloroquine dies its work. Hydroxychloroquine works because it allows zinc to pass into the cells in your body, and the zinc severely interferes with reproduction of the virus. This is why the doctor in NY State (Zelinsky?) has used all three with his patients.
It also is reportedly not all that effective for people in the later stages of COVID-19.
I think this is a red herring. The same could be said about almost any treatment of almost any disease.
It stands to reason that any treatment would be less effective in the late stages. For one thing, patients who enter late stages of Covid-19 typically suffered already from other life-threatening underlying conditions.
Also, the late stages of any disease involve myriads of medical complications, organ shut down, immune system collapse, respiratory or heart failure, brain damage, etc, etc.. Specifically, I have heard that late stage cases of Covid-19 almost always involve irreparable lung damage.
I am sure that attending physicians understand the way these anti-malaria drugs work, and whether or not it is too late for them to be effective in a particular case.