I first recognized it back in 2016 when he was promising Americans that wed have better health care, and it would cost less. I could only shake my head and laugh at that ... because that was like me promising people they could live in Trump Tower for $800/month.
I think you underestimate the $ that are spent on bureaucracy. I absolutely think that we could spend less on medical care & have better care. First step is higher deductible policies that put $ into HSA. If the G’vt or States covered the deductible the first year the $ in the HSA would cover a good portion the next year and over time people would amass a sizable investment nest egg. High deductible plans are much cheaper to buy.
There are many other powerful avenues to pursue to lower overhead, tailor plans to the person etc. Looking intelligently at what tests would generate the quickest diagnosis for a given suspected ailment or organ system rather than just doing the cheapest test first & moving up the $ chain would save lives & dollars.