My barber called yesterday and cancelled my April 1 appointment. I said you have spacing of more than six feet. You can stay open. No. You can come to my house. No. I’m taking this social distancing seriously, she said.
It is surprising how quickly Americans will surrender their freedoms.
I think in a couple of years when they control all the house, senate and presidency, they will come up with a climate emergency and force this kind of thing indefinitely. They have seen that there is no pushback and the sheeple are completely compliant.
hmmm.... is she a barber or a stylist?
1) She wants to keep her license. 2) She doesn’t know how clean your home is. 3) It isn’t worth the hassle to drive to pack up her equipment and drive to your home. 4) It is just a haircut and not your house burning down. You can wait a couple weeks.
Find another barber. Many are probably willing to come to your house. They are probably going broke.
Perhaps your barber doesn’t want to get the virus from a customer.
Does she have the finances/insurance to pay a catastrophic medical bill if she gets really ill from this?
She hasn’t surrendered any freedom at all. It’s her business.