You’re an idiot, as I said WEST of Yellowstone, which it is. It is also SOUTH of Yellowstone. I was using the Rocky Mountains as the base line (Yellowstone is in the Rockies), and the Rockies are on a north-south axis generally, and are representative of the continental divide. So, something is either east or west of that line or divide. But, if you wish to be more specific, then you can just check the coordinates of Yellowstone and SLC, and you will clearly see that SLC is west of Yellowstone, and not that far west.
As for geology, I guess my geology professors in college were wrong about volcanology, and the relationship between earthquakes and volcanic activity. Perhaps you are unaware that volcanology is a branch of geology.
Granted "Godzilla" was a bit more in-your-face than necessary, but s/he has a point. SLC is some 275-300 mi. SOUTH, and also maybe 50-75 WEST of Yellowstone. A reasonable person wouldn't say it's west of Yellowstone to establish a point of reference, although technically correct. To your logic, technically Phoenix is west of Yellowstone. I don't think many would say it though, if trying to give someone any sort of idea as to its predominate relative direction.
moving magma can cause earthquakes
earthquakes can cause magma to move
Yes you are an idiot. Utah is south of Yellowstone. To say west is bogus. You should have stayed awake in that class. Btw Im a professional geologist with my degrees from Montana State (BS) and Montana Tech (MS).
Last quote is the motto of the Burma Star Association. WW11.