No. I mean what I said. With a handful of exceptions since the end of the Civil War we follow a pattern in national election. And part of that pattern is the letter after the name of the president switches every 2 elections. And we’ve been hard on pattern since Bush 1 broke it in ‘88 (’92 he followed the other pattern of sitting VPs that make president only lasting 1 term). Unless something very drastic happens in November Trump will win re-election, staying on pattern. And then it will be a -D’s turn.
I’m being cute, Yes that is the pattern.
“....we follow a pattern in national election....” Trump has destroyed all of the old patterns of political behavior. I know 2018 was following the old ways, but I believe most are fed up with the results and won’t let that happen again. When POTUS leaves office, and the condition of the nation when he leaves, it may be possible to continue a run of R’s.