Ok. Then why should anyone need water unless a breakdown in services and infrastructure is predicted.
I don't know. How many people work at a water treatment plant? If too many get too sick to do their job what happens?
I recall reading something about the virus surviving water treatment - but I have a hard time believing that.
And I don’t know it they are “predicting” it - but perhaps on the “it is possible”. So like others have stated - prepare like you would for an earthquake.
If it becomes real bad you could see disruptions in service. Fear of going to work and getting it. You are sick and can’t go in. A relative is sick and you have to care for them. School is closed and you have to stay home to take care of your kid. Lock down prevents travel to work.
All sorts of reasons for people to stay home - even from critical jobs like power, water, sewer, police, fire, etc.