If it was the flu then the headline is a lie.
Well I guess YOU'LL never know...
Complication of flu, sepsis
It comes fast and deadly
Cautionary tale for parents
But not sure if anything would have saved her
She died of septicemia, blood poisoning.
Someone stuck a dirty needle into her? How else do you infect blood?
I read the article, and it appears that she died from a secondary infection brought on by her immune system being weakened by the flu. Since I didn't see in the article any mention of whether or not she got a flu shot I can't see the point of this article. Is the point of the article that people should get a flu shot? If it is, then the author didn't do a very good job of making his point. As I posted earlier approximately 200 kids age 5-9 die in the USA every day. Still not sure why this is newsworthy.
Looks like a very opportunistic bacterial infection that piggybacked on her lowered immunity due to the flu virus. Hard to really tell from the article. Tragic story.