Trusting the polls is like trusting China on Coronavirus statistics.
Hillary had a 98% chance of winning, remember?
Hillary won the national count as predicted and the state polls were mostly within the margin of error and in some battleground states dead on.
If Mama's baby is dying and Papa is out of work, it is folly to rely on day-old polls one way or the other, for or against our side. If people are dislocated in the dimension of the Great Depression or even somewhat less than we are seeing in China, the entire political landscape will heave up as in an earthquake.
Expect the electorate to have the memory of gnats, they will only want to know what the politician is going to do for them now. In times of turmoil men turned to the man on horseback, big government, new deals, Bolsheviks, Nazis, Fascists. With the economy in shambles, the healthcare system disintegrating, babies dying and families destitute, relying blithely on a political platform that half the country does not even now accept is utter folly.
The down side to preparing and getting ahead of this problem now is negligible, the human cost and the cost to liberty later can be a crushing forfeit.