Posted on 02/11/2020 12:05:47 PM PST by 4Liberty
WMUR will have continuous updates of election results beginning shortly after 8 pm.
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If he wasnt such a jackass, I would feel sad for Biden.
Joe Bye-Done.
The least nutty.
For all in tents and porpoises.
Thank you. Half the election workers are Democrats and the other half Republicans. I have been the warden (person in charge) of my ward for two years. We all work together quite well.
Secretary of State Bill Gardner anticipates the total turnout for the 100th Anniversary of New Hampshire’s First-in-the-Nation Presidential Primary will be 420,000 voters. This would be the most votes cast in a presidential primary when an incumbent is running for re-election. He expects 292,000 ballots cast in the democratic primary and 128,000 ballots cast in the republican primary.
NH Secy of State website
“CD-2 in Maine went for Trump! He got one electoral vote from Maine; I dont recall that he got any from New Hampshire”
And you (I would hope) know Maine has a unique method of dividing deligates. Trump’s got a smaller percent of the vote vs. NH. Stop with the petty BS.
What a beautiful dream, FRiend Erik.
I tend to be a pessimist in most things, but it has crossed my mind that we may be seeing the end of the commieRAT party, at least in its post-1968 leftist incarnation.
There are times in the past when forces of evil seemed most terrifying only a short time before they were consigned to history’s dustbin.
After all, in February 1942, things looked awfully bleak for the Allies. By February, 1945, victory was assured, albeit not without a great deal of human suffering during the death throes of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
The challenge for Trump and the GOP is to not only defeat the commieRAT party but to do it in such a decisive and humiliating fashion that some measure of sanity is restored and Democrats make a decisive move back towards to political center.
I believe there is certainly a chance for a RAT Stalingrad this November. Whether a catastrophic defeat will allow the emergence of a RAT Adenauer or a generation of industrial samurai is much less likely.
The ultimate problem goes deeper than politics, right to the narcissistic heart of our culture. America has spawned a multi-generational crop of spoiled brats, who expect politics to make up for whatever petty grievances may be eating at their insides.
2016 Sander 161,000, Clinton 95,000 = 166,000.
Trump 100,000
“Democrats cant decide who they want to face Trump. We can be sure it wont be Slow Joe.”
Here’s what we know:
They don’t want Bernie.
Pelosi et al wanted Biden because it makes Impeachment look credible.
And I propose:
Bloomboorg may have been confidentially invited into the race by the DNC, to nix Bernie.
There will be some never Bernie RATs, but he draws in young dis-interested voters - people who dont usually vote. That, combined with Trump haters, could be a challenge to Trump.
66% in
Bernie Sanders 48,912 26.01%
Pete Buttigieg 44,467 23.64%
Amy Klobuchar 37,953 20.18%
Elizabeth Warren 17,937 9.54%
Joe Biden 16,197 8.61%
I am surprised that the "none of the above" vote isn't even higher. The democrats big problem is that not even democrats want to vote for any of their candidates. They are only motivated about voting against Trump.
Biden is more than a jackass. He is a corrupt, crooked politician who has used his office to enrich himself and his family. Biden should be in jail.
I’m disappointed Bernie isn’t doing better.
Here is Amy. Thank you thank you you to chants of amy amy amy. Hello America I am Amy Klobuchar and I will beat Donald Trump.
“No way to blame the lying dog-faced pony soldiers for this one.”
Lol, I wouldn’t be surprised if he called the voters of NH all Lying dog-faced pony soldiers, and then walked off stage.
Hows our boy Trump doing? Still winning I assume...
Good question...She would moderate him, and that might be part of a convention deal if it comes to that. As much as I want to see Bernie run, I think the Rat power brokers will do every thing to stop hm.
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