Again though- even our worst candidates are leagues better than democrats ever were- and the proof is decades of democrats running cities into the ground- We’re talking about red states- I can’t understand how a republican or independent for that matter, could think that a democrat would make sense as gov or senator or whatever-
Lesser of 2 evils- if that is the only choice- in order to preserve everything we’ve fought for-
So, if the Republican incumbent is playing the “where ya gonna go” game and pissing all over their voters, the voters should simply say that the rain is wonderful and keep voting for them?
That’s not going to happen, especially these days.
The “No, f**k you!” protest vote is very, very much a thing in the modern day. Again, THERE ARE NO SAFE VOTES.
As for lesser of two evils... look at the history of this very forum. We had people, LOTS of people, saying that they would rather vote for Hillary once Ted Cruz was eliminated from the primaries, because Trump didn’t meet whatever standard they had. Had even more people saying they’d stay home... you can see that even in the midterm posts here.
Er, “instead of voting for a Republican” should read “instead of voting for a {whatever characteristic they find objectionable} Republican”.