and Paul may force the issue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
As Paul should. The whistleblower is not protected by the Whitsleblower statute or by security directives of the executive branch.
Roberts can only protect the whistleblower by resorting to shadows and penumbras of law. And if he does, Roberts will live in infamy and place the administration of justice into disrepute.
To use and overworked Dem balking point:
” No one is above the law.”
If the president is not, neither is Ciaramela.
Its time to bust this money laundering Dem/Soros banking grand scadal wide open by getting at the whistleblower, who had organized it all.HUnter Biden was one of several bagmen.Nothing like the Obama redistribution of wealth scheme, eh?
Paul is a right as rain on this.Shine the light of day on it on behalf of the People.
Article VI: to be confronted with the witnesses against him;
Hard to throw shade over those words. Go Rand!