Abbey, Kobe made his fortune by skill and hard work, how did you get yours? In addition - I do not have to deal with it Kobe dealt with it, he was a devout Christian. He followed Jesus who died for Kobes sins, so you see, it has been dealt with.
Im not sure when he became a devout Catholic. In 2003 he admitted to having regular sex with a side piece named Michelle. Of course, he also had a wife at home that one presumes he was having sex with. So right there its obvious he wasnt living up to his marriage vows. When Vanessa started divorce proceedings in December 2011, its possible he was up to his old tricks. They reconciled in January 2013 so maybe he got a handle on his behavior the last few years of his life, but to ascribe choir-boy characteristics to a professional athlete is disingenuous.
Many of the photos of the Bryant family show the children wearing Disney clothing and Kobe even said he took his wife on dates and his family to Disneyland many times. If I were his friends and family I would never set foot in the place or spend a dime on their merchandise.
I’m sure this loudmouth no-talent Disney heiress has refunded all of his money on moral grounds anyway.