As a fan of horse racing what do you think about 30+ horses dying at Los Alamitos during the past twelve months ?
Compared to what?
I don't know much about Los Alamitos but I will assume that it is similar to tracks I am more familiar with such as Keeneland and Saratoga. Horses break down and most of the time they have to be put down.
The PETA folks would have you believe that wild horses never break down. But they do; and when they do they continue to try use their damaged leg and damage it more until they cannot move any more. Then they lie on the ground until something comes along and eats them.
Racehorses are probably the most pampered animals on the planet. Their coats are not mangy as those of wild horses are. They get the regular attention of Veterinarians for even the most minor of illnesses. If a racehorse does break down, one or more Vets will try to stabilize the injury and try to keep the horse from damaging it further. Unfortunately an injured horse usually cannot be prevented from damaging and injured leg and it will be humanely put down. It's too bad but it happens.
If I were to come back as a horse I would want it to be as a thoroughbred racehorse; and not as one that roams free out west.