Maybe I spent too long, in the Medieval Hist subject at Uni, reading about the Black Death. But I am always worried that a new disease will appear and get out of control. I am especially suspicious of both China and Africa as places where such diseases can incubate, and food protocols are just not right.
Ever read Richard Preston’s book “Hot Zone” about an Ebola outbreak in a Reston Virginia Ind7strial Park next to a Day Care Center? It went airborne.
Two of my children went into micro biology research relating to genetic engineering and cloning. My daughter did it in med school relating to malaria. There are over 400 different strains. She also worked with Babasia as they were losing too many transplant patients to it.
As a result, every book that comes out on infectious diseases, past, present or future, I get a copy to read and then pass it on to them.
Thanks for the perspective. I have a family member who is actually doing graduate work in infectious diseases/infection control...So always looking for additional information for them :)